WriteHome - Laravel Website for Writers to Share

WriteHome - Laravel Website for Writers to Share



Filmmakers and bloggers have Youtube. Musicians have Soundcloud. WriteHome is a community for readers and writers spanning across different genres. Get your medium.com, wattpad.com or inkitt.com. It is an analogue (but not a copy!) of Proza.ru - the most popular literary portal in Russia.

A startup based on this script was also launched in Russia https://literator.storygo.ru/. There are already over 4,000 published works. This website is not an example because there are discrepancies with the script. See this link for an example http://writehome.laraplus.site.

Demo: Homepage

Admin panel (available after authorization by the administrator, otherwise you will receive a 404 error!)

Admin account:

Writer account:


  • Post stories and get feedback
  • Catalog of works with search, filtering and sorting
  • Authors Profiles (bio, photo, profession, intro, links to social networks, works, reviews, likes, subscribers - all information on one page)
  • Rating system of works: Top100, Trends, Best of 24 hours
  • Reviews, likes and comments system
  • Writer followers receive notifications about his new works
  • Works statistics (views, comments, readers, etc.)
  • Information about unique readers (who read the works and when)
  • List of works that I read
  • List of works that I have read
  • Monetization opportunities with PayPal payment: PRO accounts and raising a work in the catalog
  • Safe code with access rights checks and validation of all requests
  • Fully Responsive: Compatible with all screen resolutions.
  • Created using popular frameworks: Laravel, Vue, Bootstrap
  • Admin panel
  • Pictures of genres are not included!


  • PHP 7.4
  • MySQL 5.7


  • Step 1: Instal local server Laragon https://laragon.org/download/.
  • Step 2: Extract Files.zip File.
  • Step 3: Run your server. Create a new project with the title "writehome" (for Laragon: Open "Menu - Quick app - Blank").
  • Step 4: Copy the folder "writehome" to your local server folder (if you are using Laragon, go to the "www" folder).
  • Step 5: Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin and go to database "writehome" (Laragon creates the database along with the creation of the project. If you do not have this database, then create it).
  • Step 6: Go to the page "Import" and import database from Database\database.sql.
  • Step 7: Reload server and launch the site (for Laragon: Menu - www - writehome)
  • Step 8: Configure the settings according to the application documentation.
