Unprofessional - Multivendor Video Course Script

Why I Made it & Why You should choose it ?
Number - 1 : Pandemic - Yes, This Pandemic destroyed almost everything and Users want to learn something about their field of choices but Schools, Colleges & Universities are closed from time to time and they stucked everytime. So, that's why I made it. Connecting Skillful Authors to Buyers and Take Commission Advantage & Earn Passive Income (Both Admin & Authors) . Turn Disaster into Opportunity
Number - 2 : POB (Point of Billionaire) : When You've the Option to Choose then Choose World's Biggest Desire I really mean it. Who Knows, May be You are the Next Billionaire of Your Country with this Script.
I always believe in Practicals. So, I don't put here the list of Features in text and that's it. Let's Come with me for the Tour of 1010 Development Hours of Project with Images.
- PHP = 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
- MySql = 4.x , 5.x
- VPS Recommended
- Paypal Business Account for Paypal Payments
- Stripe Merchant Account & https website for Stripe Payments
Everything Included in Documentation How to Setup with Screenshots & All Badges EPS also included in purchased file. Thanks
Sizes of Main Zip File, Preview Image File & Demo Video File will be defined in db file so the Users cannot upload over the maximum size which is defined by Admin. This will also explained in documentation. So no worry. Thanks
Demo Credentials [ OTP : 1234 Everywhere ]
Admin Panel Link: Admin Link
- Admin Email : [email protected]
- Password : 123456
Admin Panel is Read Mode Only - You can only send payouts to User on Next Month when Send Payout Button is automatic available.
User Panel Link: User Link
- Author Usernames Login : php , android , wordpress , animation , python
- Author Password : 123456
- Buyer Usernames Login : user , user1 , user2 , user3 , user4 , user5 , user6 , user7 , user8 , user9 , user10 , user11 , user12
- Buyer Password: 123456
- Blocked User: blockeduser, newblockeduser [Cannot Login at any cost via this Usernames]
- Blocked User Password: 123456
Note : You cannot change passwords, change usernames or about us for above Authors & Buyers. Mean You cannot do anything from UserId 1 to 19
Note : You can do From UserId 1 to 19 is Comment, Purchase , Comment Reply or Create Forum Topic
Original Users : SignUp with your Email ( For Email Notifications )
- Password like : Test1234 or User1234
Stripe & Paypal Payments
Sandbox Payment Details
- Paypal User Email: [email protected]
- Paypal Password: user@user
Stripe Card Details
To test the Stripe Payment, use the following test card numbers, a valid future expiration date, and any random CVC number.
4242424242424242 – Visa
4000056655665556 – Visa (debit)
5555555555554444 – Mastercard
5200828282828210 – Mastercard (debit)
378282246310005 – American Express
6011111111111117 – Discover