Ultimate Minecraft Server List
Minecraft Servers List for Sale!
Minecraft servers list (CMS) is TOP quality, features rich Minecraft servers listing control management system. Which allows you to own and maintain premium quality minecraft servers project in minutes with no programming knowledge at all.
Why to buy this Minecraft servers list?
With one file translate whole website to specific language or add as many languages as you want in few clicks and own multi-lingual project.
Add, edit, change the look of website just by using control panel, generate unique looking servers list without any coding at all. Or add hundreds of different templates for visitors to choose from!
Give it a try! Servers List DEMO:
Link - https://minecraftservers-ui.com
Username - demo, Password - demo
- Written in plain , clean coded PHP with JS, custom CSS and Semantic UI as front-end framework. No back-end framework used. Modify everything easily
- 1 file translation for whole website
- Advanced Admin Panel
- Sponsored - Auctions or Sell Monthly
- Automated Paypal Payments System
- Dynamic Servers Vote Banner
- Servers Stats Charts - Uptime, Votes, Rank, Players
- Create & Customize As Many Templates as You Want in Few Clicks!
- Votifier Powered - Rewards for Votes System
- Search Engines Optimized (SEO)
- Live Servers Search
- Vofitier Tester, Status checker Pages
- Minecraft Versions, Types Lists
- Mobile Friendly Design
- Easy Installation
- And much more!
- Coupons/discounts System
- Now you can give/remove/manage sponsored servers on admin panel (x1000 times requested feature, finally here)
- Maintenance mode. Need to do some changes? Don't want visitors to see? Just toggle on/off maintenance mode on admin CP
- Fixed couple little bugs which been reported (0 known bugs known!)
- Now sponsored servers can upload custom icons to show instead of numeric rank!
- PHP >= 5.0
- Webhost has to have Sockets enabled
- Instructions provided with install files