Smart Book - Small Business Accounting

Smart Book - Small Business Accounting

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Simple and easy to use accounting and project management tool mainly used for small Business Owners and Freelancers. This script has all the basic tool need for a business from Manage Customer, Manage Vendor, Manage Projects also it will help you to create Sales and Purchase Invoices and also It helps to track payments

Customer Management

            You can manage all your customer information here. It will give you a detail overview of the customer with an attractive customer profile page. In the customer profile page, you will get the complete detail about the Customer which includes Invoices, Payment Dues, Projects, Payment History and more

Vendor Management

Vendor Management Help’s you maintain all the bills and payment dues to the customer. With the vendor management you can easily keep track of all you expense and bill dues

 Project Management

In the Project Management module, you can easily maintain all the project modules, and Tasks with different status like New, InProgress and Completed that will help you to easily maintain the project development status. In the project detail page, you will get all the detail information about the project


            Bug Tracking will help you to track all the bugs in the project. It will help you to fix the bugs much faster

Invoices & Accounting

            It is very easy to create Awesome invoices and send to email to their clients. You can also download the invoices in pdf also. With the account module you can easily Track income and Expenses very easily

Technical Details

This Smart Book  php script is designed with most advanced Frame works.

    This script is built on top of whorls most advanced php frame work Laravel is will add more security and fractures to you script Laravel also has a huge community support so if you want to modify the script. You can also do it with Laravel

    React is one of the most popular and widely used front end Framework,

React is also used in this project to build many UI Components

    Another sweet part of this script is Bootstrap. This script is designed with Bootstrap 5 the most advanced version of bootstrap this will add more performance and beauty to the Website

    You can also easily modify the Style of this website because all the CSS Styles are written using SCSS


Key Features
    Designed with bootstrap
    SCSS is used for style sheet
    Build on top of most advanced Laravel Framework
    Powerful Admin Panel
    Create Unlimited Invoices
    Send invoice to the Email
    Download Invoice in PDF
    React is used to develop in Admin panel
    Track Income and Expenses
    Track Payment Due
    Easily understand and Customizable
    Free Installation Guid and Support


  • PHP 8.0 or Higher Required
  • Apache or Nginx Web Server


1. Upload all Files in Folder to you web-server
2. Create a Database in MySQL Server
3. Import the database file to you new database
4. Change Database Config in .env file
5. If your server needs permission to write files please provide permission to the following folders (storage, bootstrap, public/uploads)
If you don't know how to install the script on your server feel free to contact  we will provide Free Installation Guide and Support Availabl
