Sender Cloud - Courier Management System

Sender Cloud - Courier Management System

Live Demo Download



Sender Cloud is a complete courier management system . It has multiple features to make your delivery system smooth . Our accounts management system is very smooth and transparent . We have separate option for riders cash collection and merchant payroll

Demo Url:

Login :

Admin Login

Rider Login

Merchant Login

Employee Login


1. Easy shipment creation

2. Live shipment cost calculator 

3. Separate dashboard for merchant , riders , employees and admin 

4. Brunch to Brunch transfer management 

5. Shipment progress timeline 

6.Return management 

7. Cause of return explanation

8. Accounts Management

9. Riders cash collection

10. Merchants cash pay 

11. Company Accounts 

12. Withdrawl from account

And many more features . You can check the demo to discover more


  • PHP >= 8.0.0
  • .env File Permission
  • Storage/framework permission = 775
  • Storage/logs permission = 775
  • Bootstrap/chace permission = 775
  • Max upload filesize = 8m


  • There is a documentation folder inside the zip file . you can check that .
  • Or you can follow this playlist to install this script and discover the workflow
