PayGate - Next Generation Payment Gateway

Introduce your own payment solution for your customers and employees to use worldwide. Everything is possible, from card products all the way to digital banking and payment apps. We’re your specialists for issuing and technically integrating payment solutions. With us, you get everything from one source: modular end-to-end solutions, flexibly configurable white-label products.
USER Features
- Cross-browser optimized design
- Easy Signup/login
- Secure dashboard
- Send Money
- Invoice
- Business verification
- Merchant
- Account settings
- Social links
- Sell any product of any kind
- CAC business verification
- Withdraw limit for unverified business
- Tawk, Twilio has be integrated
- Multiple Bank accounts
- Withdraw system
- And more...
ADMIN Features
- Blog management
- Faq management
- Webpages management
- Brand management
- Interface control
- Social links
- Privacy policy
- Terms & conditions
- Invoice management
- Product management
- Withdrawal management
- Basic settings
- Messages
- User management
- Money Transfer management
- Order system
- Deposit management
- And more...
- Server: Apache Server
- Php Version: v7.1+ | v8.0+
- Phpmyadmin v5.0.2+
- Recommended Hosting: Namecheap
- Php Extensions: file_info, curl, mysqli, mbstring
- Demo:
- Documentaion: