OmniCart - Marketplace And Classifieds Platform

OmniCart can be used as either a fully featured multi vendor marketplace or as a single vendor e-commerce system. It's built with simplicity in mind, while being feature rich, with a clean and easy to extend codebase. It's optimized for performance, and easy management with all kinds of advanced features, like group operations, backup system, logging, widgets, and much more.
- Username: [email protected]
- Password: admin
Selling of physical and digital products
- License Key generation, with integrated license verification for sold products
- Attributes (Category based)
- Variations (Efficiently create product variations)
- Regular & Sale Price
- Wishlist
- Cart
- Refund Support
- Product Statuses (Pending, Draft, Hidden, Out of Stock, Deleted)
- Vendor or Admin based shipping options (Automatically calculates shipping price based on location and weight)
- Sorting (Most Recent, Lowest/Highest Price, Highest Rated)
- Advanced filter system with dynamic product count (Categories, Price, Category based attributes, and thumbnails change based on the filters variation match)
- Bank Transfer Checkout
- Cash on Delivery Checkout
- Credit Card Checkout
- Guest Checkout (Can be set based on payment method)
- Direct Checkout (Skipping the cart)
- Keep track of guest orders by email, so they have access to everything when they sign up
- Order Statuses (Pending Payment, On Hold, Processing, Shipped, Cancelled, Completed, Refunded, Pending Approval)
- Untrackable order numbers (for ex. #094F284E)
- Invoice generation
- User Registration
- Email Verification
- Reset forgotten Password
- User impersonation
- Blogging (With Hidden status support)
- Blog Comments
- Import Products
- Export Products
- Watermark
- Member & Product Search Bar
- Profile page
- Phone number protection against bots in the profile info
- Storefront
- Follow/Unfollow Stores
- Profile Reviews
- Shop Reviews
- Product Reviews
- Product Questions & Answers
- Messaging
- Custom Pages
- Newsletter
- Social Sharing
- Contact Page
- Media Manager
- Maintenance Mode
- Sitemap
- SEO Tools
- Easy to use update system
- Great image quality (using webp, with fallback to jpg)
- Highly customizable
- Customizable footer links (widgets)
- Customizable Slider (widget)
- Multilingual site & content
- Multi currency with free exchange rate implementation
- Mega menu (Slide menu on mobile)
- Optimized for 3 screen sizes (Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop)
- SEO friendly (Supports rich data)
- Fast page load
- Uses the latest technologies
- Can add customizations to the theme without breaking the update
- Rich Text Editor
- Easy Installation Wizard
- Detailed Documentation
- Integrations
- Google Analytics (Works with GA4 as well)
- Google reCaptcha 3
- ExchangeRate-API
- PayPal
- Admin Panel
- Call to Action Widget (Everything in one place that requires your attention)
- Latest Orders Widget
- Backup & Restore system
- Email Logging (With "Seen" tracking)
- Exception Logging
- Security
- Honeypot
- Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- SQL Injection
- Form validations
- Up to date technology
- Strong Password Hashing (Argon2, the recommended password hashing algorithm by the Password Hashing Competition, is a modern algorithm for securely hashing passwords)
- PHP 7.4
- Logging
- Private uploads not stored in the public dir (Therefore can't be opened even if you know the path)
- Actually, only necessary files are stored in the public dir
- Webhost
- PHP 7.4 or newer
- intl & mbstring extensions
Upload all the project files outside of your public directory, and only upload the content of 'public' to your public directory.
When you're done, navigate to to begin the installation process.
After successful installation, make sure to set up the cronjob, by entering the following in your crontab settings (make sure to replace '/path/to/project' with your project root path):
* * * * * cd /path/to/project/vendor/bin && ./crunz schedule:run
That's all!