OES - Online Examination System PHP
Online examination system is an web based application to conduct examination online.
It has modules like question bank, examination, test setup, giving examination, calculate results, view results, store test data. administrator module to manage examination, questions and its options.
In an online examination system examine get their user id and password . This id is already saved in the examination server.
When examine login to the server he/she get his/her profile already register. he/she can only update the password and avator
On the certain time examine gets the notification on active exams. when the examine attend any exam he/she can not attend it again until after some days (according to admin settings),
When admin login he/she can registere and manage students, classes, departments, subjects, examinations and questions admin also can re-activate exam for a specific student or every student on a particual exam, printing results in PDF, generating enroll numbers, update admin account etc.
Demo: http://oesnet.byethost15.com/
- admin email : [email protected]
- admin password : exams2019
- student email : [email protected]
- student password : 12345678
- Free & Paid Exams
- Print Results & Exam
- Timed & Untimed Exams
- Department Registration
- Class Registration
- Subject Registration
- Exam Corrections
- WYSIWYG Questions
- Random Questions
- Random Choices
- Import Students
- Import Questions
and many more...
- Apache 2 or higher, with:
- mod_rewrite
- PHP 5 or higher, with:
- MySQLi
- MySQL 5 or higher
- Import the database.SQL file from the "MySQL" folder into your MySQL database using the import function available in MySQL.
- With a text editor open the following file located inside the 'Script/assets/constants/' folder: config.php, and replace what's between the quotes (e.g: 'YOURDBNAME') with your MySQL settings:
$servername = "YOUR SEVER NAME";
$username = "YOUR USERNAME";
$password = "YOUR PASSWORD";
$dbname = "YOUR DB NAME";
$instalation_dir = "INSTALLATION DIRECTORY";
- Upload the files from the "Script" folder on the FTP server (usually public_html folder when installing it on a domain).
- Set the CHMOD to 777, 775 or 775 (depending on the server configuration) to the following folders: '/uploads/avatar' and '/uploads/logo'.