Multilingual Chinese Chess Game with many options
The Chinese Chess - Xiangqi board is a rectangular grid of 9 x 10 lines. The board is divided by a "river" that separates the two sides of the board. Each player's pieces start on their side of the board and cannot cross the river unless they are a certain type of piece.
The chess pieces are moved according to the following rules:
- General (or King): The most important piece on the board, the general can move one space orthogonally (up, down, left, or right) within the "palace," a 3 x 3 area in the center of the player's side of the board.
- Advisors (or Guards): These pieces also start in the palace and can move one space diagonally within the palace.
- Elephants: These pieces can move two spaces diagonally and are restricted to their own side of the board. They are blocked by the river and cannot cross it.
- Chariots: These pieces can move any number of spaces orthogonally. They cannot jump over other pieces.
- Horses: These pieces can move two spaces orthogonally and then one space diagonally. They can jump over other pieces.
- Cannons: These pieces move like chariots but can only capture by jumping over another piece.
- Soldiers (or Pawns): These pieces move one space forward, and can move two spaces forward on their first move. Once they cross the river, they can also move one space sideways.
There are 4 options: Play alone, Play with AI, Play in room, and Set up the board
- Play alone: Players press on the button "Play alone" on the front page and practice alone.
- Train with computer: Players play directly on the front page. There are 5 levels: Newbie, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hardest.
- Play in room: Players press on the button "Play now", host a new room with random Room code, and create a password for you and your friend, also capable of Inviting friend to play by sending the link. Players can also access the page "Rooms" to enter a hosted room. Players can choose Red Side or Black Side, Red moves first.
- Set up the puzzle: Players press on the link "Puzzle". In this option, players can arrange the chess pieces and press "Capture the puzzle" to challenge friends.
Server Requirements:
- PHP >= 8.0
- Ctype PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- DOM PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- Filter PHP Extension
- Hash PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PCRE PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Session PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension