Movierocket - Online Movie Database PHP Script
Movierocket is a modern and responsive PHP script. It’s come with a creative design, admin dashboard, different catalog and detail pages.
It’s suitable for online cinema, movie database, film review, online tv, tv shows & tv series
Demo: https://movierocket.000webhost...
Admin Login
- username : admin
- password : mrocket2021
User Login
- username : daudysky
- password : mrocket2021
- Direct link supported
- Streaming supported
- Responsive Design (Desktop/Tablet/Mobile)
- Movies Add - Update - Delete - List
- Series Add - Update - Delete - List
- Episodes Add - Update - Delete - List
- Genres Add - Update - Delete - List
- Comments
- Reviews
- Change Visibility of Items
- Google Analytics Stats
- Settings - (logo,favicon,site name,seo settings,etc.)
- Profile Edit (Admin)
- Embeded Player
- Movie Lists - Tv Shows Lists
- Apache 2 or higher, with:
- mod_rewrite
- PHP 7 or higher, with:
- MySQLi
- MySQL 5.7 or higher
- Import the database.SQL file from the "MySQL" folder into your MySQL database using the import function available in MySQL.
- With a text editor open the following file located inside the 'Script/db/' folder: config.php, and replace what's between the quotes (eg: 'Your Database Host') with your MySQL settings:
//Database Server Name:
DEFINE('DBHost','Your Database Host');
//Database Username:
DEFINE('DBUser', 'Your Database Username');
//Database Password:
DEFINE('DBPass','Your Database Password');
//Database Name:
DEFINE('DBName','Your Database Name');
- Upload the files from the "Script" folder on the FTP server (usually public_html folder when installing it on a domain).
- Set the CHMOD to 777, 775 or 775 (depending on the server configuration) to the following folders: '/uploads/cover', '/uploads/thumbnail' and '/img/'.