ItsLink - Multipage Landing Page Website Builder

ItsLink is a fully responsive drag-and-drop multipage static website or landing page builder.
Whether you need a website or landing page or a personal profile, ItsLink will get your site up and running in minutes.
No coding or design skill is required.
- Demo:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
Hassle-free source code, just extract the source code and upload all files to your server or hosting and you are ready to go.
- Builder Features
- Easy to use Drag and drop interface
- No-code website builder (Edit websites visually)
- Real-time website editor
- Unlimited pages
- Pre-made blocks
- Mailchimp Integrations
- Google Analytics
- Youtube and Vimeo videos
- Pop-Up Image Gallery
- Pop-Up Videos
- Facebook Chat
- Slider and animations
- Contact Form
- Code Editor
- Self-hosted website builder
- Simple settings
- It generates fully responsive websites
Upload all extracted files on your server/hosting and then follow the given instructions.
> To change default user ID and Password
- By default you have
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
- Go to
- Use the default user id to login and create a new user id and password and then delete the default id
> To add 404 Error page
- Open the .htaccess file in any code editor
- Find ErrorDocument 404 404.php and add your domain this way ErrorDocument 404
- Now from the editor, just add 404 as page/slug and edit it.
- Latest version 0.1