DeskMo CRM - Project Management
Manage all your customers and their company and easy to manage your supplier. You can manage your purchase and sales entry with your financial account and also manage deposit and expense values. Analyze your report and transactions.
Dashboard You can analysis your purchase and selling chart and count of your customer, companies and etc... Customer Easy to manage all your customer details. Companies Manage company details of customer and link customer to their company. Suppliers Manage all you suppliers details and their purchase order. Purchase Manage the supplier purchase order on customer base. Sales Manage customer sales orders ad also track it and generate the invoice. Account Manage your financial account with initial balance and other. Deposit Manage deposit in your financial account and also track by reference number. Expense Manage your expense with financial account analysis. Transactions Easy to manage and analysis your date wise transactions and easy to track debit and credit. Contract Manage you contract sign with another companies. Report Easy to analyze sales report date wise.
PHP 7 or Above MYSQL Codeigniter 3
- Step 1 - Unzip zip file in your server folder.
- Step 2 - Change your domain name or project call URL in application/ config/ config.php (For Ex. $config['base_url'] = 'URL';)
- Step 3 - Database connection. Given the database hostname,username,password and database name in application/config/database.php
- Step 4 - Import the database file in your created database. (Database file name is database.sql)
- Step 5 - Run your URL in browser and start the project.