Coin Currency iOS Application

The application contains information about modern cryptocurrencies, it has two main categories.
The first category allows to determine the value of one bitcoin in different monetary currencies (euro, dollar, ruble, and others), as well as the bitcoin growth index.
The second category displays the value of the top popular cryptocurrencies in US dollars (binance, iota, dash, and others).
Information about the cost is obtained from the cryptocurrency information server and may differ from information from other servers. You can easily implement and use your own server link.
- Information from the server (JSON format)
- High quality professional design
- Bitcoin growth index
- Different cryptocurrencies value (in USD)
- Bitcoin value in different monetary currencies
- Full step-by-step documentation (+ how to work with RevenueCat)
- Ready to upload on AppStore
- Easy to re-skin
- Subscription premium section
- Great application for AppStore monetization
- Xcode
- Follow the instruction from the documentation PDF file