Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform

Demo User:
- Link: Frontend
- User: demoAdmin
- Pass: 123456
- Whitelabel, a few clicks to change the site to your brand
- Live Trading
- Live Exchanges
- Wallet System
- Live Watchlist
- Live Depth View
- Live Coin Info
- Live Order Book
- Contract Log
- Transactions log
- 22 Payment Gateway supported
- Unlimited manual payment manager
- Unlimited withdrawal methods
- Blazing fast Market Analysis
- Notifications
- Coin Watcher
- Coin Full History
- Live Search
- Practice Wallet
- Real Wallet
- Multiple Wallets
- Profile Management
- 2nd Factor Authentication
- Browser Sessions
- Soon (Social Login)
- Support System
- Referral System
- Full Charting Library
- 28 Indicators
- Soon A lot more indicators will be added
- Admin Dashboard with full control
- Email Templates
- Mailing
- Subscribers
- Frontend Manager
- Soon Sms Support
- Seo Manager
- Blog, Comments, Categories, Posts
- And a lot more.
Made with:
- Laravel 8
- Vue
- JS
- Livewire
- Included in the installation folder
Requirements (minimum):
- A Knowledge in running a server or any hosting with ssh and root access
- A Knowledge in copy and paste codes we add-in update description
- Having time to read the documentation
- PHP 8.1
- PHP extensions: php-memcache php-pear php-imagick php-gmp php8.1-cgi php8.1-mysql php8.1-curl php8.1-gd php-gd php8.1-imap php8.1-tidy php8.1-xmlrpc php8.1-xsl php8.1-mbstring php8.1-zip php8.1-cli php8.1-bcmath php-bcmath php8.1-gmp php-curl php8.1-fpm
- Composer +2
- Server with SSH that has Permissions, not shared server without any permissions
- VPS at least 4GB Ram to be able to excute orders smoothly
- VPS at least 100GB Storage
- Clean Ubuntu 20
- Virtualmin + Nginx + PHP FPM
- Composer 2.2.5
- Unmanaged VPS with root access
Our Installation Service:
- Fully Server Setup from Scratch
- Full Installation with all services
- We Require Ubuntu system for installation process if empty vps or Cpanel with WHM